How Do You Know When It’s Time To Visit The Dentist?


Dentists are a great way to get you on track for a healthy smile. But there’s no magic number of times per year that will work for everyone. That’s because your dental health is unique to you, and the frequency with which you need to visit the dentist depends on many factors—including your age, how well you take care of your teeth and gums, and any existing health conditions.

It’s important to go to the dentist regularly.

Regular visits to the dentist can help you avoid expensive dental procedures and maintain good oral health.

Dentists have access to tools that allow them to detect problems before they become serious, such as cavities or gum disease. In addition, they are trained in techniques for detecting and treating these issues at an early stage, which means you won’t need invasive treatment later on that’s more costly than preventative care.

How regularly do you need to go depends on your age and how well you care for your teeth and gums.

In general, how regularly you need to go depends on your age and how well you care for your teeth and gums. The older we get, the more frequent our visits should be. If you have any medical conditions (such as diabetes or heart disease), that may also affect when you need to see us.

Here are some guidelines:

  • Children: Your child will most likely be going to the dentist twice a year until about age 3 or 4; then, once every six months until about age 11 or 12; then, once per year after that.
  • Teens: Most teens should see the dentist every 6 months for cleanings and checkups. During this time frame, it’s important to discuss any concerns with their primary care provider who can refer them if necessary.

Your dentist can help guide you on how often you need to come in.

Your dentist can help guide you on how often you need to come in. This is because the frequency of your visits will depend on your age and how well you care for your teeth and gums. If you’re a teenager or in your 20s, visits are recommended every 6 months. As we get older, these recommendations change:

  • 30 to 39 years old: 5 year intervals
  • 40 to 49 years old: 3 year intervals
  • 50 to 59 years old: 2 year intervals
  • 60+ years old: yearly checkups

You don’t want to end up with a cavity because you haven’t been seeing the dentist

You should head to the dentist if you want to avoid getting a cavity. Cavities are painful and can be expensive to fix, so it’s always a good idea to go in for regular cleanings and checkups. If you don’t see your dentist often enough, it might be difficult for them to catch issues like cavities early enough for treatment before they become painful or dangerous.


In conclusion, it’s important to go to the dentist regularly.